The wedding is almost done! Yay! Lots of details in a short amount of time, but we got everything picked out and booked and ready to go! We are getting married Friday, December 30th here in Liberty. We were super blessed to get a perfect location for our itty bitty wedding! The WynBrick Center is a restored victorian home that is going to be the perfect setting for our Christmas wedding! You can look at the pictures of other weddings at There's one of a Christmas wedding that totally sealed the deal for me!
We had a get together at our house yesterday and I got to introduce Chris, and Grover, to my Mom's side of the family. It was an awesome day! I love being surrounded by my family! Mom took some pictures, but she's not super great at emailing them from her camera...hopefully I'll get those posted before we are actually married...haha!
Other than that, I've been coaching lots of cheer and watching lots of high school football! I love the fall and am really enjoying being around for all the of the school happenings in the fall! Friday night is Homecoming and my birthday! I teased my cheer girls that they didn't have to throw me a party quite that big! A cake would have been sufficient! It's been good for a laugh!
Things are great! Couldn't be happier and definitely could be more blessed!
Love to you all!