Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Accountability is Key

So now that I've told everyone I'm running this dang thing...I really have to do it. I really have to do the training and I really have to show up that day! My friends and family have been ridiculously supportive, even though they initially, and may still, think I'm crazy. I'm enjoying the physical challenge. Okay, that's only half true. I enjoy the physical challenge after I've completed it and lived to tell the tale. During, that's a whole different ballgame (or race) that involves some cursing (sorry, Mom) and lots of pain. After, I feel GREAT!

So, we're focusing on the GREAT right now! In an effort to stay super accountable, and not die a slow, painful death on April 14th, I'm going to write lots on here and post my weekly training schedule. I also have buddied up with the best running partner a girl could ever ask for, Melissa Chesnut, who if you recall, I've done LOTS of running with over the last year. We've been texting each other everyday with our distances and times. It's helped so much! Yay us, girl! She's running the 5K on the day I run the half and then we're going to run a 10K together in May, the same race we both ran the 5K in last year!

Ok, schedule for the week:

Monday: 2.0 miles I missed on Sunday
Tuesday: 2.0 miles
Wednesday: Cross train
Thursday: 2.5 miles
Friday: Cross train
Saturday: 3.0 miles
Sunday: 2.0 miles

Monday through Wednesday done and done, so now it's on to the rest of the week. So far, the distances have been comfortable for me, so I've been pushing to go a little faster...not so good at the fast, but I'm trying.

I have also re-read an awesome book that I got when I trained for a race before.

The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training. It's by a lady named Dawn Dais that is HYSTERICAL!!!!! I so recommend it for the practicality of the advice and the extremely entertaining stories! I HIGHLY recommend it!

Alright, off to teach for the rest of the afternoon and then head to practice!



  1. Yah to us for doing something we both have to stretch a bit for! :) we can do it since we're both pushing for each other!

  2. I totally agree! We've got it! It's totally a mental thing for me at this point...
