Friday, July 6, 2012

Keep on Keepin' On Bible verse today was Joshua 6:2-5. They story of the fall of Jericho...the message, keep on keepin' on...sometimes things don't happen when you think they should, but we have to remember that they happen when they are supposed to, when God wants them to. Patience has never been a virtue that I have been super good at...but I'm trying!

On to my list for the day.

Today, I am thankful for:

  1. Quiet time. I love having friends and family around, but I really like the time I have, just me, when I can be quiet.
  2. Good workouts. They are the best way to clear my head and help things make more sense. Plus, I can eat what I want then...kind of.
  3. Oatmeal. I eat it all the time. Weird, I know.
  4. My parents' marriage. They are an amazing example of what it should look like. Not perfect, not Hollywood, just real life love.
  5. Technology. I love being able to reach out to a friend whenever I want to, or find a new recipe, or look at bags I can't afford, or... :)
  6. Grace. I'm not perfect, not by a long shot. But I'm constantly surrounded by grace from my husband, my family, my friends, and my God.
  7. Police shows on TV. I make my husband crazy, but I love reality TV cops shows. Weird, I know.
  8. Days when I don't have anywhere to be. I love waking up knowing I have all day to do whatever I want!
  9. New, healthy babies. I had a friend have a baby yesterday. Everybody's great. It really and truly is a miracle.
  10. OPI nail polish. Last but not least. It really does make me happy :)

Random list today...I suspect they're only going to get more random!

Happy Friday!

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