Thursday, July 5, 2012


Hi! I'm so excited to be officially in my summer! I have gotten lots done this week and enjoyed some napping with the puppies! Next week is Bible school and then I have a couple of weeks to work in my room before I officially have to be back the first whole week of August.

I have been following a website recently called I am IN LOVE with it! It's geared toward women of all ages and it gives me the motivation to read something from the Bible daily and think about what it means. The best part is they use reading plans on so I can do my reading from my computer or my phone. I've been keeping a journal everyday and have been using google docs to keep track of it, so I have it everywhere, too!

One of the first things I read about was being grateful, everyday, for all of the things that I already have in my life. I made a commitment to make a list of 10 things every day that I am thankful for. I wanted to find a way to keep my list so I would do it everyday, and I could see it whenever I wanted. My first thought was my bathroom mirror...good, but not very I decided my blog was the outlet. So, for the next 6 months, through the end of the year, I am going to post at least 10 things every day that I am thankful for. I'm sure some will be super serious, some will be silly, and some just won't make any sense unless you know me VERY well, but I hope that through posting this list, I will live with more of an attitude of gratitude and help a few others to do the same.

Day 1
I am thankful for...
  1. A God that I can pray to, whenever I need anything! And who knows everything about me, so I can be 100% real in that relationship.
  2. My amazing husband. I won't get super sappy, but I am happier than I have ever been and it's due, in large part, to numbers 1 and 2 on this list.
  3. My family. I have NO IDEA what I'd do without all of you. You've loved me through the easy and the hard and I would not be anywhere near okay without all of you.
  4. A job that I love. I am a teacher. I love being a teacher. I love LMS and I love the people I work with.
  5. Not needing anything. I have everything I need. And most of the things I want. We are truly blessed.
  6. My health. There was a time when I didn't have this. You definitely don't miss it until it's gone...then you miss it, a lot.
  7. My resiliency. I've been through a lot. And bounced back.
  8. Willpower. I've exercised a lot through the last year and am healthier and happier for it all.
  9. My dogs. They are the best unconditional love friends in the world. 
  10. Opportunity. I can make myself better. That's my choice and I have all the opportunities in the world to make those decisions.

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