Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

I have been very absent this week. Unfortunately, my Uncle Bob has ended up in the hospital after an intestine surgery with septic shock and a couple of heart attacks. He has made a small improvement today, but any prayers you could spare would be greatly appreciated.

I DO NOT want to totally slack on my gratitude list, so here's 30 things I'm thankful for to take care of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  1. St. Luke's Hospital. They have done an amazing job caring for my Uncle Bob, and for all of our family. The professionalism and caring hearts are amazing!
  2. People smarter than me. I know he's in excellent hands with amazing doctors.
  3. My Aunt Kathy. She is an amazing woman and a great example of what a wife is supposed to be. She has not left Uncle Bob's side and is pulling for him 24 hours a day. Her strength is amazing.
  4. Text messaging. It's awesome that we can all be updated within a few seconds without a million calls having to be made. Knowing what's going on makes things a little easier.
  5. My husband's patience. I have been a basket case this week with everything going on and he's been so patient with me and had shown so much genuine concern that it's overwhelming sometimes.
  6. The public library. I love coming here and finding new things to read!
  7. My jeep. I love my little jeep and it's icy ac on days like today.
  8. Kids that want to learn. I love teaching kids that want to learn. It's my job to make them all want to learn, but when they come already curious, and wanting to know more, it's so much fun!
  9. All of the individuals who have made VBS so much fun this week.
  10. All of my 5th grade kiddos at VBS. They are teaching me far more than I could ever teach them.
  11. Hymns. When I get super upset or discouraged, 300 elementary kiddos singing about the Bible fixes me, every time. 
  12. Quiet time in our church sanctuary. I went to VBS early this morning hoping to get some quiet, alone time in the sanctuary of our church to pray for Uncle Bob and just reset myself. I sat and prayed for about 10 minutes and it was exactly what I needed to do.
  13. The power of prayer. It never ceases to amaze me how much better I feel when I REALLY pray about something...and then let it go.
  14. Opportunities to give back through my sorority alumnae organization...more info to come soon!
  15. Good school ideas. I have been doing lots of research about how to change some thing up this year and I'm excited to get started.
  16. Days set aside to plan for the school year. Cory and I are getting together next Wednesday to plan for the school year and I'm SUPER excited.
  17. New classroom decorations. I bought some new fabric for curtains and bulletin boards...of course I'll post pictures soon!
  18. Air conditioning in general. It's been a million degrees here. I'm glad I'm not melted. Or sick.
  19. My curly hair. It's nice to be able to just wash it go in this crazy, humid weather.
  20. My wedding ring. I love looking at it and knowing that it's a symbol of an amazing relationship.
  21. Fresh produce in the summer. The end.
  22. Knowing the right thing to say, at the right time, to make someone feel better.
  23. Someone else knowing the right thing to say, at the right time, to make me feel better.
  24. Clean water. There are lots in the world without it...
  25. Feeling put together...I don't always feel like it in the summertime...but I like when I feel like I've gotten myself ready for the day and I look my best.
  26. Plain t-shirts. A staple in my wardrobe. I wear them all the time. Dress them up, dress them down, they're the best.
  27. The Mizzou Tigers...I can't believe I hadn't already posted this one...I LOVE my alma mater!
  28. High school friends...I'm excited to get to see you this weekend!
  29. Make up bags with lots of compartments. OCD, yes.
  30. That I get to share these lists with you. I really have it pretty great...I like to share!

Monday, July 9, 2012


It's been a day. VBS was great this morning! Seeing that many little ones was great!

I'm super I'm going to keep it short.

Today I am thankful for:

  1. Unconditional love.
  2. Snakeskin sandals.
  3. Doggie kisses.
  4. New classroom decorations.
  5. Saying things out loud that you haven't for a long time.
  6. Facing fears.
  7. Taking care of myself.
  8. Hope.
  9. Prayer.
  10. Serving.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What's Your Calling?

Happy Sunday!

We had an awesome sermon this morning at church. Jason talked a lot about what we were being called to do in our lives, either professionally or otherwise. He also talked a lot about how things have to be in alignment for it to be a true calling. Not only do you have to be called to do it, but your community has to see it as a strength or a calling that's yours and the timing has to be right. It was definitely something to think about.

Then he has us do a short exercise. We had to write down four little lists.

List 1 - What are your gifts? What has God given you that you can just "do"?
List 2 - What are your wounds? What are the negative things that have shaped you?
List 3 - What are outraged about? What do you see on TV and say "somebody should do something"?
List 4 - What are your passions? What can you not live without?

Then he told us to take those lists and pray that God would connect the dots between the four lists and let us know what we were supposed to do...pretty cool!

After church this morning, Mom's this afternoon, and getting ready for Bible School tonight (it starts tomorrow! I'm teaching 5th grade!) I have LOTS to be thankful for.

Today, I'm thankful for:

  1. Messages and verses that are just right, at just the right time :)
  2. Being able to go to Mom and Dad's on Sundays just to eat and hang out for a few hours.
  3. That my Uncle Bob got through another surgery in good shape! We're all praying for another speedy recovery!
  4. Being able to teach a class of 5th graders about how they can work together to share their gifts with people who need them.
  5. Puff I was working on our classroom supply box, I was reminded how much I loved the stuff! It's so much fun! And so works as paint, glue...border...
  6. Seeing my husband's wedding ring on his finger. It never gets old :)
  7. Planning time off to go see Chris' family. We haven't seen some of them since the wedding!
  8. Ordering wedding pictures, finally. I'm a slacker, but I'm excited to get some of them up in the house.
  9. Awesome neighbors. Not only did they introduce us, but Nikki came through with some much needed glue tonight!
  10. Brown rice. I'd starve without it. It goes with EVERYTHING!

Saturday's List

I'm a horrible's yesterday's list.

I'm thankful for:

  1. A spontaneous husband that took me to the Nelson just to look at the pretty stuff because I wanted to go!
  2. Malli sleeping all night long with no whining...yay!
  3. Being able to workout in my house since it's a million degrees outside.
  4. Air conditioning...we all take it for granted, it's actually amazing and lots of people don't have it!
  5. Andy Griffith reruns and marathons on TV. I get reminded of a great life lesson every time I watch an episode...if I taught a character ed class at school, I'd teach it with Andy Griffith Show episodes.
  6. My iPhone. It's my calendar, my Bible, my GPS, my link to my family and friends, pretty much everything!
  7. Modern medicine. 
  8. Lifetime movies...I'm such a sucker for those things.
  9. The Library...I'd go broke buying books the way I've been reading lately.
  10. One mushy one...holding my husband's hand. I LOVE THAT!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Keep on Keepin' On Bible verse today was Joshua 6:2-5. They story of the fall of Jericho...the message, keep on keepin' on...sometimes things don't happen when you think they should, but we have to remember that they happen when they are supposed to, when God wants them to. Patience has never been a virtue that I have been super good at...but I'm trying!

On to my list for the day.

Today, I am thankful for:

  1. Quiet time. I love having friends and family around, but I really like the time I have, just me, when I can be quiet.
  2. Good workouts. They are the best way to clear my head and help things make more sense. Plus, I can eat what I want then...kind of.
  3. Oatmeal. I eat it all the time. Weird, I know.
  4. My parents' marriage. They are an amazing example of what it should look like. Not perfect, not Hollywood, just real life love.
  5. Technology. I love being able to reach out to a friend whenever I want to, or find a new recipe, or look at bags I can't afford, or... :)
  6. Grace. I'm not perfect, not by a long shot. But I'm constantly surrounded by grace from my husband, my family, my friends, and my God.
  7. Police shows on TV. I make my husband crazy, but I love reality TV cops shows. Weird, I know.
  8. Days when I don't have anywhere to be. I love waking up knowing I have all day to do whatever I want!
  9. New, healthy babies. I had a friend have a baby yesterday. Everybody's great. It really and truly is a miracle.
  10. OPI nail polish. Last but not least. It really does make me happy :)

Random list today...I suspect they're only going to get more random!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Hi! I'm so excited to be officially in my summer! I have gotten lots done this week and enjoyed some napping with the puppies! Next week is Bible school and then I have a couple of weeks to work in my room before I officially have to be back the first whole week of August.

I have been following a website recently called I am IN LOVE with it! It's geared toward women of all ages and it gives me the motivation to read something from the Bible daily and think about what it means. The best part is they use reading plans on so I can do my reading from my computer or my phone. I've been keeping a journal everyday and have been using google docs to keep track of it, so I have it everywhere, too!

One of the first things I read about was being grateful, everyday, for all of the things that I already have in my life. I made a commitment to make a list of 10 things every day that I am thankful for. I wanted to find a way to keep my list so I would do it everyday, and I could see it whenever I wanted. My first thought was my bathroom mirror...good, but not very I decided my blog was the outlet. So, for the next 6 months, through the end of the year, I am going to post at least 10 things every day that I am thankful for. I'm sure some will be super serious, some will be silly, and some just won't make any sense unless you know me VERY well, but I hope that through posting this list, I will live with more of an attitude of gratitude and help a few others to do the same.

Day 1
I am thankful for...
  1. A God that I can pray to, whenever I need anything! And who knows everything about me, so I can be 100% real in that relationship.
  2. My amazing husband. I won't get super sappy, but I am happier than I have ever been and it's due, in large part, to numbers 1 and 2 on this list.
  3. My family. I have NO IDEA what I'd do without all of you. You've loved me through the easy and the hard and I would not be anywhere near okay without all of you.
  4. A job that I love. I am a teacher. I love being a teacher. I love LMS and I love the people I work with.
  5. Not needing anything. I have everything I need. And most of the things I want. We are truly blessed.
  6. My health. There was a time when I didn't have this. You definitely don't miss it until it's gone...then you miss it, a lot.
  7. My resiliency. I've been through a lot. And bounced back.
  8. Willpower. I've exercised a lot through the last year and am healthier and happier for it all.
  9. My dogs. They are the best unconditional love friends in the world. 
  10. Opportunity. I can make myself better. That's my choice and I have all the opportunities in the world to make those decisions.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I am seriously the worst blogger in the's a good thing this isn't my full-time job or we'd all be in trouble!

It's been months. Sorry.

A recap:

Ran the Rock the Parkway Half Marathon with all of my friends from school and actually did rock it! I finished with a time of 2:17. My goal was 2:20, so I stayed under that and was actually able to leave the 2:25 pace group that I started with. I couldn't put pants on the day after the race because my legs wouldn't bend enough to allow that to happen, but I still consider it a HUGE success and now that it's crossed off my list, I don't EVER have to run one again! YAY!

If you want to see the before, during and after, here are a few pictures. It's pretty obvious which ones were taken near the beginning and which ones were taken at the end...

Got back on the workout wagon with lots of strength training. My body is much happier in that realm than the running one...

I also finished up my second year teaching at LMS! I love the people I work with and can't wait to start another school year there this fall.

I am teaching summer school at the High School. In the mornings I am a para in one of the special education classrooms. In the afternoon, I'm teaching second semester algebra I. It's a lot different than what I'm used to, but I'm really enjoying the change in curriculum and kids. I'm excited to get back to my middle schoolers, though!

That's about it right now! Chris and I are working hard and hanging out as much as we can. Married life is awesome! I couldn't ask for a better hubby!

It's summer, so I should get better at this...we'll see!

Take care,

Monday, March 12, 2012


So, as we've established before, I'm horrible at staying on top of this thing. I have put a weekly reminder in my calendar to take care of it, so here's hoping that actually works and I remember to do it!

Lots has happened in the last couple of months!

My half marathon training is going really well! Here's my schedule for this week...

Sunday: 3 miles

Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 4 miles

I'm supposed to have a 10 miles long run in there, but I'll be in Lake Tahoe, NV for Miss Ashley's wedding, so that will have to wait until I get home next week. I'm hoping to get a little running in while I'm there so I don't get too far behind!

I survived my longest run yet, a 9 miler on Saturday. It wasn't horrible, but my hip flexors beg to differ. Chris took this picture of me after I got done on Saturday:

I'm really looking forward to getting through the next few weeks of training and actually running the race! It's a little nerve-wracking, but exciting all at the same time!

I've applied to teach summer school and am really hoping for a position! It's pretty competitive since there are so many teachers in the district and not very many summer school spots. Prayers would be much appreciated!

We got to go to the Big 12 Championship game on Friday night! It was an unbelievable game and it was so much fun to watch the Tigers pull out a big W in our last Big 12 tournament. We had amazing seats and had an awesome time!

Other than that, we've been pretty boring! Just lots of school and running for me. Lots of work for Chris. And lots of barking and sleeping for the dogs.

I'll be sure and post picture of Tahoe when we get home!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Schedule

We had an awesome weekend! Lots of hanging out and catching up on stuff around the house! I did a good job running, but not so hot eating on Sunday. Sundays are hard for me...I need to figure out a strategy to not be so bad when I'm home all day...

Training schedule for the week...I've decided to move my Sunday runs to Monday. I really want a weekend day's what my week looks like:

Monday: 2.0 miles
Tuesday: 2.0 miles
Wednesday: Cross train
Thursday: 3.0 miles
Friday: Cross train
Saturday: 4.0 miles

We start weekend practices for cheer this weekend, it'll be busy, but at least I know I'll get up and run before I head to practice so I have the rest of my day!

Have a good week!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Accountability is Key

So now that I've told everyone I'm running this dang thing...I really have to do it. I really have to do the training and I really have to show up that day! My friends and family have been ridiculously supportive, even though they initially, and may still, think I'm crazy. I'm enjoying the physical challenge. Okay, that's only half true. I enjoy the physical challenge after I've completed it and lived to tell the tale. During, that's a whole different ballgame (or race) that involves some cursing (sorry, Mom) and lots of pain. After, I feel GREAT!

So, we're focusing on the GREAT right now! In an effort to stay super accountable, and not die a slow, painful death on April 14th, I'm going to write lots on here and post my weekly training schedule. I also have buddied up with the best running partner a girl could ever ask for, Melissa Chesnut, who if you recall, I've done LOTS of running with over the last year. We've been texting each other everyday with our distances and times. It's helped so much! Yay us, girl! She's running the 5K on the day I run the half and then we're going to run a 10K together in May, the same race we both ran the 5K in last year!

Ok, schedule for the week:

Monday: 2.0 miles I missed on Sunday
Tuesday: 2.0 miles
Wednesday: Cross train
Thursday: 2.5 miles
Friday: Cross train
Saturday: 3.0 miles
Sunday: 2.0 miles

Monday through Wednesday done and done, so now it's on to the rest of the week. So far, the distances have been comfortable for me, so I've been pushing to go a little faster...not so good at the fast, but I'm trying.

I have also re-read an awesome book that I got when I trained for a race before.

The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training. It's by a lady named Dawn Dais that is HYSTERICAL!!!!! I so recommend it for the practicality of the advice and the extremely entertaining stories! I HIGHLY recommend it!

Alright, off to teach for the rest of the afternoon and then head to practice!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Wedded Bliss...and I've lost my mind...totally unrelated topics!

So, let's start with the wedded bliss part of the title. As you all know, Chris and I got married on a perfect December day! We couldn't have asked for better weather, better plans or better time with our families. It was the perfect day for us and we're so happy to be Mr. and Mrs. Robertson.

If you haven't had a chance to see pictures of the day, you can go to:

These are unedited, so there will be a few rogue extension cords and other things in the photos that won't be there in the finished products! We LOVED our photographers and couldn't be happier with how they captured our day!

The next morning, we left for Mexico! We had a great time just hanging out, laying on the beach and doing absolutely nothing but getting a tan for five days. We stayed at the El Dorado Royale in the Riviera Maya region. It was gorgeous and the staff was awesome. We really enjoyed our stay there.

Now we're home and back to the real world! We're adjusting back to work schedules and having a house to clean and dogs to chase around.

That brings me to the totally losing my mind part. A bunch of teachers that I work with have decided to run the Rock the Parkway half marathon on April 14th . So, like an idiot, I agreed to run with them! We are all training for the big day that's 13 weeks from Saturday! I'm a little concerned about a few of my Saturday long runs...the first, my 10 miler, is supposed to happen when I'm at Lake Tahoe for a wedding. And my second, the 11 miler, I'll be at the Lake for a convention. Those runs might have to be rearranged a little. Other than the few scary mileages at the end of the training time, I'm just taking it one day at a time and enjoying finding muscles that I didn't even know I had, even though I've run quite a bit before, I have NEVER run for speed...this is pushing me to do that, and I'm enjoying it, but it's definitely hurting a little!

Other than that, we're just enjoying the new year! Hope all is well!
